
Qingdao GFS Certification


Qingdao GFS Certification


Time:2023-02-15 10:37:22Source:

Good Manufacturing Practice which was first promulgated by the United States Congress in 1963 to regulate drug production. This is also the first GMP in the world. In 1992, the FDA formulated the Guidelines for Cosmetics Manufacturing Activities (GMPC, a part of the excerpt from the FDA inspection manual, is now the 2008 version of the standard) specifically aimed at prohibiting the promotion or pyramid sale of counterfeit or unmarked cosmetics in the U.S. intercontinental trade.

On April 21, 2011, the Official Journal of the European Union published the "EN ISO 22716: 2007 Cosmetics - Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) - Good Manufacturing Practice Guide" (ISO 22716: 2007), announcing that the guide has officially become the GMP harmonized standard of the European Union Cosmetics Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009, which will be a prerequisite for cosmetics to enter the European market from July 11, 2013.

Audit scope: only suitable for the cosmetics industry. For products that have been applied to the human body (skin, hair, toenails, lips and teeth, etc.) by applying, spraying, sprinkling or other similar methods, and have achieved the purpose of cleaning, maintaining, beautifying, modifying and improving the appearance, or correcting the human body odor, and maintaining good condition.