


Qingdao GFS Certification

聯系電話:0532-67739388 / 19853205848
400-8081-924 / 15006421779


BRC認證 fssc22000認證

9.GFS-SP-13 Certification Granting, Maintenance, Expansion, Update, Reduction, Suspension, and Revocation Control Procedure

1 Purpose

To ensure the objective, fair, and consistent conduct of system certification, and to reduce the risks associated with certification, this procedure is established to scientifically and reasonably prescribe the conditions for approval, modification, suspension, withdrawal, and restoration of certification, as well as the implementation of certification reviews and decisions.

2 Scope

This applies to the review of GFS system certification files, as well as the management of certification decisions such as granting, maintenance, expansion, update, reduction, suspension, withdrawal, and restoration.

3 Responsibilities

3.1 The Audit Technical Department is responsible for reviewing the files of applicants or certified entities related to "maintenance, expansion, update, reduction, suspension, withdrawal, and restoration," providing review/comments, and supply the reviewed files to certification decision personnel for confirmation. Approval is granted by the organization's head.

3.2 The Technical Committee is responsible for approving the certification conditions for granting, maintenance, expansion, update, reduction, suspension, withdrawal, and restoration.

3.3 The organization's head is responsible for approving decisions regarding "approval, modification, suspension, withdrawal, and restoration of certification registration qualifications."

3.4 The Audit Technical Department, based on approved certification decisions, issues certification certificates to the certified entity or notifies them of approval, modification, suspension, withdrawal, or restoration of certification.

4 Granting, maintaining, expanding, updating, reducing, suspending, restoring, and withdrawing conditions procedure

4.1 Certification Granting

4.1.1 Certification registration may be granted when the applying organization meets the following conditions:

a) The effective implementation of the management system is confirmed through on-site audits, with sufficient evidence.

b) The audit team's recommendation for certification, or attached conditions or comments, has been fulfilled.

c) The systems and products or services covered by the certification scope comply with relevant legal and regulatory requirements.

d) Non-conformities identified during on-site audits have been effectively rectified, and corrective measures are implemented.

e) Issues raised in the certification decision are effectively resolved.

f) The applying organization has fulfilled relevant obligations as per the certification contract.

If the applying organization fails to meet any of the above requirements and is unable to correct them within the specified period, it may be assessed as not meeting the certification requirements. The organization will be notified (with a non-approval of certification registration notice), explaining the reasons for the certification failure.

4.1.2 The audit team submits the audit files and relevant qualification materials of the audited party to the Audit Technical Department after collection and organization. The review personnel and certification decision personnel conduct certification assessments on the audit files, with specific assessment details outlined in the "Certification Resolution Form." Issues raised during the assessment are tracked and confirmed by review personnel, and certification decision personnel shall verify the resolutions.

4.1.3 The Audit Technical Department prepares the certification certificate.

4.1.4 The Audit Technical Department issues the certification certificate and related materials. After issuing the certification certificate, relevant information is published on the GFS website as required and reported to the CNCA.

4.2 Certification Maintenance

4.2.1 Within the validity period of the certified organization's management system certification, the Audit Technical Department schedules surveillance audits for the certified organization at intervals planned in the audit program.

4.2.2 The audit team conducts audits of the certified organization's management system to verify whether it continues to meet the requirements of the certification basis standards and operates effectively. Simultaneously, the team tracks the effectiveness of corrective measures taken for non-conformities identified in the previous audit, as well as the use of the certification certificate and logo, complaints, etc. The audit team provides a recommendatory opinion on whether the certification qualification should be maintained. After the audit team leader ensures the completeness of the case files, they are submitted to the review personnel for confirmation of completeness and suggestions for modifications.

4.2.3 After confirmation of compliance in the review, the Audit Technical Department uploads the case files to Synology, informs the certification decision personnel, and arranges a case review. Certification decision personnel review the audit files (including review from technical reviewers) and make certification decisions, confirming the conclusions of the audit team. Upon successful assessment, the Audit Technical Department uploads certificate information to the CNCA website and issues a "Supervision Audit Qualification Notification" to the certified organization.

4.2.4 Post-Certification Surveillance Activities

GFS designs surveillance activities to regularly monitor representative regions and functions within the scope of the management system. This should take into account changes in certified clients and their management systems. Surveillance activities should include on-site audits to verify the certified client's management system's compliance with certification standards. The Customer Service Department is responsible for completing the "Supervision Management Record Form." Surveillance activities may also include:

a) GFS inquiring with certified clients about relevant aspects of certification.

b) Reviewing certified clients' explanations of their operations (such as promotional materials, websites).

c) Requesting certified clients to provide documented information (in paper or electronic format).

d) Other methods for monitoring the performance of certified clients. Surveillance Audit

A surveillance audit is conducted on-site, but it may not necessarily cover the entire system. It should be planned in conjunction with other surveillance activities to allow the certification body to maintain trust in the certified client's management system's continuous compliance with requirements throughout the certification period. Each surveillance audit plan for relevant management system standards should include a review of the following aspects:

a) Internal audits and management reviews.

b) Measures taken to address non-conformities identified in the previous audit.

c) Complaint handling.

d) Effectiveness of the management system in achieving the certified client's objectives and expected outcomes of each management system.

e) Progress of activities planned for continuous improvement.

f) Ongoing operational controls.

g) Any changes.

h) Use of the logo and/or any other references to certification qualification.

4.3 Certification Expansion, Update, and Reduction

4.3.1 If a certified organization needs to expand or update its certification, it should submit an application to the certification body (no application is required for certificate updates due to reasons unrelated to the certified organization, such as standard revision, changes in the CB's business scope, or relevant information changes). The organization should fill out the Management System Application Form and provide details, including:

——Expansion or update of the categories/scopes of products/services covered by the organizational system (including product varieties).

——Expansion of the locations where the organizational system covers products/services (Note: It must be the same entity operating within the certified organization's management system), updates (such as changes in address).

Where a certified organization moves to another location, at least a Stage 2 audit shall be conducted. And for FSSC 22000,that should  result in the start of a new 3-year certification cycle.

4.3.2 Upon receiving the application for the expansion or update of the scope, the Customer Service Department checks the completeness of the materials, conducts a contract review in collaboration with the Audit Technical Department, identifies the professional categories involved in the expansion or update scope, assesses the required audit person-days, and determines if the capability is present. If all criteria are met, the Audit Technical Department arranges for the audit. The audit for the expansion or update scope can be conducted simultaneously with surveillance/re-certification audits.

4.3.3 The audit team conducts on-site audits of the content related to the organization's expansion, confirming whether the organization's expanded scope complies with relevant certification requirements and providing a recommendatory opinion on whether to approve the expanded certification scope. The audit files shall be reviewed by Audit Technical Department, and the certification shall be done based on the review. If the requirements are met, the organization is issued a new certificate, and the old certificate shall be withdrawn and invalidated. If withdrawal is not possible, the certification body should promptly announce this on relevant media and websites.

4.3.4 If, during on-site audits, the audit team identifies that certain products or activities within the certified organization's certification scope cannot consistently meet certification requirements, the audit report must include an explanation of the reduction in scope to eliminate the non-compliant parts. After assessment by the Audit Technical Department, if they agree to reduce the certification scope, they are responsible for issuing a new certificate to the organization and withdrawing the invalidated certificate. If withdrawal is not possible, the certification body should promptly announce this on relevant media and websites. Certificate updates resulting from changes in personnel or address do not require on-site audits. The reduction in certification scope should align with the requirements of the certification standards.

4.3.5 If, during surveillance management, it is discovered that certain products within the organization's certification scope do not comply with legal and regulatory requirements, requiring a reduction in the certification scope, the Customer Service Department notifies the certified organization. The certified organization, if opting to reduce the scope, must supplement the "Supervision Audit Investigation Form," sign and stamp it, and then scan or mail it to the certification body's Customer Service Department. The Customer Service Department, following the appropriate process, submits it to the Audit Technical Department to handle the reduction in certification scope and issue a new certification certificate.

4.3.6 In case of scope reduction, the organizations' management system certification is invalid beyond the revised certification scope statement. The CB shall complete the following actions within 3 working days after the certification decision has been made:

a. Change the scope of the certified organization in the FSSC 22000 database and its own system and shall take any other measures it deems appropriate;

b. Inform the organization in writing of the scope change;

c. Instruct the organization to take appropriate steps in order to inform its interested parties.

4.4 Suspension of Certification Certificate

4.4.1 If the certified organization falls into any of the following situations, the certification body should suspend its certification certificate within 5 working days after investigating and verifying the circumstances. The suspension period should not exceed six months:

?   when a critical nonconformity is issued(For FSSC 22000

?   The certified management system of the client consistently or severely fails to meet certification requirements, including requirements for the effectiveness of the management system.

?   The certified client refuses to undergo surveillance or re-certification audits as required.

?   In advertising and related promotional materials, incorrect promotion of the certification system or misleading use of the certificate and logo is found, and effective measures are not taken promptly.

?   Failure to pay certification fees, surveillance audit fees, annual fees, despite reminders from the CB.

?   Significant problems are identified in the operation of the management system in the certificate holder during non-routine audits, resulting in poor effectiveness, and depending on the severity, may warrant suspension.

?   The certified organization fails to use the certification certificate as required.

?   The certified organization experiences a food safety or hygiene incident, quality supervision, or industry regulatory department inspection failure, and immediate withdrawal of the certification certificate is not necessary.

?   The certified organization fails to report information as required.

?   The certified client voluntarily requests a suspension.

4.4.2 The Customer Service Department verifies the above situations, with assistance from the Quality Department and Audit Technical Department when necessary. The CB shall complete the following actions within 3 working days after the certification decision for suspension or withdrawal has been made:

a.Change the status of the certified organization in the Assurance Platform and its own system and shall take any other measures it deems appropriate;

b. the "Notice of Certification Qualification Suspension" shall be prepared and sent to the organization;

c. Instruct the organization to take appropriate steps in order to inform its interested parties.

The "Notice of Certification Qualification Suspension" should clearly specify the start date and duration of the suspension,the reason for the suspension or withdrawal and resulting actions required from the organization;stating that during the suspension period, the certified organization is not allowed to use the certification certificate, certification mark, or reference certification information in any way. The Customer Service Department uploads the "Notice of Certification Qualification Suspension" to the CB's website, and the Audit Technical Department updates the certificate status on the CNCA system. During the suspension period, the client's management system certification is temporarily invalid.

If the client fails to resolve the issues causing the suspension within the time frame specified by the certification body, the certification body should withdraw the certificate or reduce its certification scope.

Note: In most cases, the suspension will not exceed 6 months. If the issues causing the suspension are resolved, the certification body should reinstate the suspended certification.

4.5 Certification Certificate Restoration

4.5.1 Restoration Process

a) Expiry without undergoing surveillance, certificate suspension/restoration process:

If surveillance audits are not conducted within the specified intervals, the process is as follows: The company submits an application, fills out the Certification Status Change Application Form, receives the Notice of Certification Qualification Suspension, the company determines the audit time, schedules the audit, passes the audit, and receives the Notice of Certification Qualification Restoration.

b) Suspension/restoration process for other reasons:

If the certification body identifies the need to suspend the certificate (such as product inspection failure, non-payment of certification fees), the process is as follows: The certification body issues the Notice of Certification Qualification Suspension, the company completes the rectification, applies for restoration, verifies that the reasons for suspension have been eliminated, arranges for restoration (either directly or through on-site verification audits), and issues the Notice of Certification Qualification Restoration.

4.5.2 The Customer Service Department urges organizations with suspended certification to rectify according to the notice and requests the organization to report the rectification status to the Audit Technical Department for verification. For organizations eligible for certification restoration, they are required to submit a restoration application within 6 months from the date of suspension.

4.5.3 After receiving the client's restoration application, the Customer Service Department determines the restoration method based on the reason for suspension:

a) For cases suspended due to delayed payment or failure to undergo surveillance within the specified period, upon confirming that the company has made payment or undergone surveillance audit, and after assessment by certification decision personnel and approval by the CB's head, the "Notice of Certification Qualification Restoration" can be directly issued.

b) For other cases, the Audit Technical Department may decide, based on the complexity of the system's covered products/activities/services, risk level, problems existing during suspension, whether to arrange an on-site verification to ensure that the reasons for suspension are completely eliminated. When necessary, certification decisions should be made based on the on-site verification by the audit team and the recommendatory conclusion on whether to approve the restoration of certification qualification. After approval by the CB's head, the "Notice of Certification Qualification Restoration" is issued.

4.5.4 Within 2 working days after the certificate status change, the Audit Technical Department promptly reports the suspension/restoration information to the CNCA and the China Food and Agricultural Product Certification Information System. The department is also responsible for creating the "Notice of Certification Qualification Suspension" and "Notice of Certification Qualification Restoration," sending them to the certified organization, and placing copies in the certified organization's audit records.

4.6 Withdrawing of Certification Certificate

4.6.1 In case of any of the following situations, if confirmed true after investigation by the center, the certification certificate should be withdrawn within 5 working days:

(1) The certified organization's system or related products do not comply with the certification basis or relevant product standard requirements, requiring immediate withdrawal of the certification certificate.

(2) The status of suspension cannot be lifted within six (6) months.

(3) The certified organization no longer produces products within the certified scope.

(4) The certified organization experiences a severe food safety or hygiene incident or fails to take effective measures in response to significant complaints from relevant parties.

(5) The certified organization provides false or concealed information required for certification.

(6) The certified organization refuses supervision by relevant regulatory authorities or certification bodies.

(7) Situations specified in the agreement between GFS and the certified organization that constitute grounds for withdrawing certification qualification.

(8) The certified organization applies for the withdrawal of the certification certificate.

(9) The organization ceases its related management systems  certification activities;

(10) Other situations that warrant the withdrawal of the certification certificate (such as significant violations or serious fraudulent activities,any other situation where the integrity of the certificate or audit process is severely compromised).

4.6.2 The Audit Technical Department is responsible for verifying the above withdrawal situations. If the situations are confirmed, the procedures for withdrawing the certification qualification of the certified organization are processed. After the certification decision personnel make a certification decision within 3 working days:

a.Obtain approval from the CB's head, the Audit Technical Department creates the "Withdrawal of Certification Qualification Notice," sends it, and informs the client to cease any promotional activities related to certification and stop using the certificate.

b.The revoked certification certificate is also retrieved.

c.The withdrawal decision is announced or declared on the organization's website. Change the status of the certified organization in the Assurance Platform and its own system.

d.The "Withdrawal of Certification Qualification Notice" shall be placed in the certified organization's audit records.

4.6.3 Within 2 working days after the certificate status change information, the Audit Technical Department promptly reports the withdrawal information to the CNCA system.

4.7 Certification Directory Update

The Quality Department should promptly update the directory of certified organizations within the organization, maintaining the latest status of information related to the grant, maintenance, expansion, update, reduction, suspension, restoration, and withdrawal of certification for certified organizations.

Information on the grant, maintenance, expansion, update, reduction, suspension, restoration, and withdrawal of certification for certified organizations should be publicly accessible through the website, telephone, and other means. The Customer Service Department is responsible for addressing related inquiries.

5technical reviewing processes

5.1 Certification Review should be conducted by GFS certification reviewers

Participating certification reviewers should possess appropriate certification expertise and experience, understand relevant laws, regulations, standards, and other requirements related to the certification category, and be familiar with GFS's relevant work procedures.

5.2 To ensure the fairness, impartiality, and objectivity of certification reviews, certification reviewers should not participate in on-site audit activities for the project.

5.3 Completion of Certification Projects by Audit Team Leader: After the on-site audit is completed, the audit team leader compiles the audit documentation for the project and submits it to the Audit Technical Department.

5.4 After receiving the "Audit Documentation" within 7 working days, the Audit Technical Department organizes certification reviewers to complete the review of the audit documentation. They fill out the "Audit Documentation Review Record Form." If there are deficiencies, the audit team is notified, and the audit team leader is tasked with implementing corrections or corrective actions. The re-review is then submitted after corrective actions have been taken.

5.5 Re-reviews should be conducted within 2 working days after the completion of the supplementary information. Once the document review meets the specified requirements, the "Certification Decision Form" shall be filled out, and the complete audit documentation shall be handed over to the certification decision-makers.

6. Certification Decision Process

6.1 Overview:

The certification decision is a determination of whether the system certification for which certification is applied meets the specified requirements and establishes sufficient confidence. It is a decision on whether the system certification can obtain certification registration.

6.1.1 GFS typically evaluates the conformity of the system certification characteristics and/or relevant quality management systems based on management systems, on-site audits, product testing reports, and other relevant information. GFS provides an overall assessment and opinion on whether to grant, maintain, expand, update, reduce, suspend, revoke, or restore certification to the certificate holder. This serves as the basis for the highest management of GFS to grant certification registration and issue certification certificates.

6.2 Certification Decision Opinion

6.2.1 The certification decision opinion should be made by qualified personnel from GFS, typically by members of the technical committee or technical experts, including audit documentation reviewers and certification decision-makers. Personnel involved in making certification decisions should meet the "Certification Personnel Competence Evaluation Criteria."

6.2.2 To ensure the fairness, impartiality, and objectivity of certification decisions, certification decision-makers, including professional assessors and managers making the final decisions, should not have participated in the audit activities for the respective system certification. When necessary, certified technical experts with relevant expertise should provide technical support for certification decisions. Designated certification decision-makers should be employees of our organization.

6.2.3 The certification body should document each certification decision, including any supplementary information or clarifications obtained from the audit team or other sources.

6.3 Based on Certification Information for Certification Decision

6.3.1 Actions Before Making Decisions Before making decisions to grant or deny certification, expand or reduce the scope of certification, update, suspend, restore, or revoke certification, the certification body should have effective reviews of the following aspects:

a) The information provided by the audit team is sufficient to determine compliance with certification requirements and the scope of certification.

b) For all non-conformities for FSSC 22000、FSMS/FSSC22000 and HACCP and all other serious non-conformities for other systems, the certification body has reviewed, accepted, and verified corrective and corrective actions.

c) For all minor non-conformities for systems other than FSSC 22000、FSMS/FSSC22000 and HACCP, the certification body has reviewed and accepted the client's plan for corrective and corrective actions. Certification decision-makers should complete the review of the audit documentation within 2 working days upon receiving the "Audit Documentation" and fill out the "Certification Decision Form."

6.3.2 Certification Decision

The Audit Technical Department submits the "Certification Decision Form" to the head of the CB for approval, completing the certification decision. For certification applicants who are not approved, the Audit Technical Department shall, in writing, state the reasons why they cannot pass the certification.

Specific requirements and content for each stage of the system certification evaluation and certification decision are detailed in this procedure and the corresponding system certification implementation rules. During the initial audit, the review/review content of the certification decision within the proposed (already) certified scope is mainly as follows:

a) Adequacy/Completeness and Credibility of Certification Process Evidence:

——Whether the audit team has obtained sufficient evidence indicating that the certification client has met (or maintained) the specified certification conditions, and the information on which the certification decision is based needs to be sufficient, complete, and credible. The audit records provided by the auditors should offer sufficient, detailed, and objective evidence:

To support the "certification scope," enabling GFS to make well-founded certification decisions and ensure ongoing compliance with certification requirements;

Providing traceable evidence (with reproducibility) that can be verified and traced in certain situations;

Providing relevant information for subsequent continuity audits, such as future re-certifications.

b) Whether the operation of the certification process complies with the prescribed procedures, including:

——Whether the on-site audit duration is sufficient (auditor*days), the completeness of on-site audits (no omissions in clauses) or the reasonableness of sampling, the effectiveness of on-site audits, and whether the effectiveness of corrective actions for non-conformities has been verified (when applicable);

——Whether the audit evaluation opinions explicitly include those within the scope of the applied certification business.

c) Product testing, legal regulations, and essential qualifications:

——Evaluation of the results of product safety verification, including the review and confirmation of the "Inspection/Detection Report" submitted by the inspection agency (when necessary), on-site "Audit Report" submitted by the audit team, or the review and confirmation of certification results from other certification bodies being considered;

——Examination of whether the results of the audit fully meet the requirements of the specified certification project;

——The legal status and qualifications of the auditee (or the certification client), the compliance of the quality management system operation and system certification with certification conditions (or procedures, criteria, schemes), and the requirements of relevant standards.

d) Product production characteristics, stability of the enterprise management system, and overall integrity level of the local society;

e) Certification decision-makers should thoroughly assess the risks and reliability of the certification decision; for example, whether key parts not personally observed during on-site audits can be trusted to ensure that all activities of the certification client comply with the specified requirements. The reliability of sampling methods for audits or tests, the representativeness of series system certifications, and the compliance of system certification with criteria during production should be considered.

f) Other issues raised during the review process should be properly addressed.

g) Consideration should also be given to information obtained from any source outside the certification assessment process that can be used as certification evidence, such as information from governance authorities, certification clients (or operators), certification associations, and consumer information. This information, along with other relevant information obtained during the evaluation process, should be communicated to the applicant. The applicant should be given the opportunity to provide explanations regarding this information.

h) When GFS relies on audit and/or test evidence or conclusions implemented by another organization in making a certification decision, there should be a procedure to ensure that, before issuing the certificate, appropriate arrangements are made to determine the certification scope, current status, and any other relevant information about the capabilities of the testing organization based on which a credible certification decision can be made.

i) Other aspects to consider include:

  • Completeness of the information provided by the auditee for certification application, and clarity of professional classification.
  • Reasonableness of the audit plan, including considerations for professionalism, risks, audit team capabilities, on-site audit arrangements, certification decision personnel, planning, and on-site audit requirements.
  • Reasonableness and completeness of issuing the "Audit Assignment Letter."
  • Compliance of document review with requirements.
  • Suitability of on-site audit plan and composition of the audit team in accordance with GFS procedure requirements.
  • Quality of on-site audit work, including audit reports, on-site records, and recommended conclusions.
  • Accuracy and completeness of non-conformities determination, description, and audit findings, as well as the formulation and verification of corrective and corrective actions.
  • Compliance of audit report and recommended conclusions with the "Implementation Rules for the Relevant System Certification" and evaluation criteria requirements.
  • Auditee's evaluation and complaints about the audit team and auditors, as well as witnesses' assessment of audit team members in witnessing situations.
  • Completeness of items in the certification assessment file compared to the detailed list. After the decision is made, certification decision personnel should fill in the "Certification Decision Form" with the issues requiring supplementary or modified review. After re-examination by certification decision personnel, it is submitted to the Technical Committee for approval. If necessary, the Technical Committee assesses the reported certification assessment projects, completes the evaluation opinions in the "Certification Decision Form," and submits the form for signature approval by the head of the CB. The certification client (or auditee) must document the non-conformities identified during the audit and their corrective action plans. Certification registration can only be approved when all non-conformities have been corrected, and GFS has verified the corrective actions taken (in written form, or on-site verification, or other forms of verification). If the certification body cannot verify the implementation of corrections and corrective actions for major non-conformities within 6 months after the end of the second stage, another second-stage audit should be conducted before recommending certification. Upon completing the "Certification Decision Form," the Certification Technical Department reports the certification information to the "China Food and Agricultural Product Certification System." After completing each audit project, the Certification Technical Department submits detailed audit files to the Quality Department for archival management. The "Notice of Suspension of Certification," "Notice of Withdrawal of Certification," and "Notice of Restoration of Certification" are implemented by the Certification Technical Department when applicable.

6.3.3 Recertification (Post-Certification Surveillance)

The Certification Technical Department's certification decision-makers, upon receiving the audit file, review only the audit plan, audit schedule, and audit report. After approval, it is handed over to the certification personnel to issue the Certificate of Approval for Surveillance Audit/Recertification Certificate. In case of non-conformities, the file is returned to the certification review personnel, instructing the audit team to rectify the issues.

6.3.4 When deficiencies or deviations are discovered during the review of the audit files, the audit team leader is responsible for corrections. The completed supplementary documents are then submitted to the Certification Technical Department for re-evaluation.

6.3.5 Re-evaluation should be conducted within 2 working days after the completion of the supplementary documentation. After the document review is in compliance with the specified requirements, it is reported to the certification decision-makers for the completion of the "Certification Resolution" and the presentation of assessment opinions.

6.3.6 Upon receiving the approval opinion from the Technical Committee, the Head of the CB approves the certification registration or maintain the registration status for the certification client or certified organization.

6.3.7 GFS will always carry out the certification decision work itself and will not delegate the authority for the approval, maintenance, expansion, update, reduction, suspension, withdrawal, and restoration of certification to external individuals or organizations.

6.3.8 When the certified organization requests a change to the approved scope of certification (such as changes to the scope of system certification or the scope of organizations covered), GFS will rely on the "Certification Granting, Maintaining, Expanding, Updating, Reducing, Suspending, and Revoking Control Procedure," "Audit Preparation and Initial Audit Management Procedure," and "Supervision Audit and Recertification Management Procedure." The CB will consider rule requirements, risks, and operability, adopting the most appropriate assessment procedures and response measures to determine whether to approve the requested changes.

6.3.9 Detailed requirements for the content of the certification certificate can be found in the "Certification Certificate and Certification Mark Usage Guidelines."

7. Relevant documents/records

GFS-SP-13-03R Suspension of Certification Notification

GFS-SP-13-04R Restoration of Certification Notification

GFS-SP-13-05R Certification Withdrawal Notification

GFS-SP-13-06R Notice of Non-Approval for Certification Registration

File Modification Record

Version No.

revision note

Page revision

Revision date


Changed from Version 01 to Version 02

Added post-licensure monitoring activities

Added post-suspension activities

Added cases of deregistration

Added pre-decision actions

Deleted write-off


Each page

Page 2

Page 5

Page 6

Page 9

Each page








Johnsy Li

Johnsy Li

Johnsy Li

Johnsy Li

Johnsy Li

Johnsy Li

Johnsy Li

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