


Qingdao GFS Certification

聯系電話:0532-67739388 / 19853205848
400-8081-924 / 15006421779


BRC認證 fssc22000認證

3.GFS-SOP-12-05 Remote Audit Work Instruction

1 Scope of application

This certification program is based on ISO 17021-1:2015 (CNAS-CC01) “Management System Certification Body Requirements, ISO 22003-1:2022 (CNAS-CC180 2023) Food Safety Management System Certification Body Requirements and other relevant certification system requirements, applicable to the implementation of management system certification of Qingdao GFS Certification Co. Ltd. to implement the management system certification and meet the specifications of the third party as a certification service.

2 Certification Process

The specific process is as follows:

3 Rights and obligations of clients/accredited clients and certification bodies



volunteer duty

Clients/certified clients

1. Access to certified public documents and information;

2. The process of applying for certification, being audited and the certification decision process is not discriminated against;

3, the audit program arrangements and audit team members who may affect the fairness of the certification can be adjusted and change the requirements;

4. Confirmation of untruths may lead to comments on the audit report;

5, the correct use of certification and certification mark;

6. The right to lodge complaints and grievances;

7. Application can be made to expand/reduce the scope of certification and cancel the certification.

1. Always comply with the certification regulations and meet the certification requirements and the commitment of the changed requirements;

2、Provide true information for the audit, and make arrangements to cooperate with the audit;

3, the misuse of certification and certification mark responsibility and take corrective measures;

4. Receive supervisory review on time;

5. Timely notification of information to the certification body;

6. Not to damage the reputation of the certification body;

7. Cooperate with the certification body to investigate and deal with complaints against the organization;

8, reception of China Certification Body National Accreditation Board arranged by the accreditation witness review and confirmation of the audit;

9. Responsible for compliance with product and certification requirements;

10. Pay the certification fee on time.

Certification Body

1. The request for certification is made within the scope of business recognized by the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment or within the scope limited by the GROF Group of companies;

2. When the certified organization no longer meets the certification requirements, it will take the suspension and revocation of the certification qualification;

3, has the ownership of the certification certificate and certification mark and the right to supervise the use of certified organizations;

4. Collection of certification fees in accordance with the regulations.

1. Provide certification updates to the organization;

2. Take responsibility for the certification decision;

3. Implementation of audit and supervision and management;

4. Confidentiality of information provided by the organization (except as provided by law);

5. Publish information on the granting, suspension or withdrawal of accreditation by the organization;

6. Provide network channels for relevant parties to query information on the validity of certification;

7. Investigate the satisfaction of the certified organization with the certification services and provide the promised services to the certified clients;

8. Timely handling of complaints and grievances against the accreditation body.

4 Application for Certification

4.1 Basic conditions for certification application

Certification Fields

fundamental requirement

special requirement

Quality Management System GB/T 19001

(a) Certified customers have a clear legal status, customers with business licenses, certificates of legal entities, social organizations, registration certificates, registration certificates of non-corporate legal persons, party and government agencies set up documents, etc., can apply for certification independently. Other types of customers, should be qualified units on behalf of the application;

b) When required by the state, local or industry, the certified client has the required administrative license documents (when applicable);

c) The certified client has established a documented management system in accordance with the relevant management system standards, and has been in continuous and stable operation for at least 3 months, and has implemented at least one complete internal audit and management review;

d) The certification client undertakes to comply with national laws, regulations and other requirements, and undertakes to always comply with the relevant provisions of the certification, bear the legal responsibility related to certification, and is obliged to assist the certification supervision and inspection of the supervisory authority, the inquiry and investigation of relevant matters to truthfully provide relevant materials and information;

e) Certified customers in one year, there is no quality, food safety and health accidents or by law enforcement and regulatory authorities ordered to suspend business rectification or in the national enterprise credit information publicity system is listed in the "serious violations of the enterprise list" or violation of relevant state regulations, misrepresentation, underreporting of information required to be certified;

f) The applicant organization undertakes to make proper use of the certificate, certification mark and related information after obtaining the certification, to pay the certification fee according to the contract, and to accept supervision according to the regulations.

Clients applying for quality management system certification for engineering and construction enterprises should also have proof of qualification, safety license, etc.

Food Safety Management System

FSSC/ISO 22000

When the production of products to implement enterprise standards, should be provided with the local administrative department in charge of standardization for the record seal of the product standard copy of the text and product implementation of the list of standards.

HACCP for food

4.2 Information to be submitted by the client

4.2.1 Same information submission requirements in all areas

1.   Copies of documents evidencing legal status; multi-venue organizations should attach copies of documents evidencing the legal status of each venue (including legal and contractual arrangements linking the different venues) (e.g., business licences);

2.   Copies of relevant qualification documents (when applicable, e.g. SC production license, certificate of filing for export food production enterprises, etc.);

3.   List of certified sites; (for multi-site situations such as branches, factories, offices, divisions, stations, project departments, etc.)

4.   Organizational chart with description of responsibilities, production/service flow chart;

5.   Management system process information (e.g., process inventories, process maps, IT workflows, turtle diagrams)

6.   List of relevant laws, regulations, standards and norms observed (applied) during production, processing, products or services;

7.   Effective version of the management system document (including at least the policy, objectives, scope of the system, etc.)

8.   Copies of certificates issued by the original certification body, previous audit reports and non-conformity reports from the previous certification cycle; (applicable to certification conversion)

4.2.2 Apply for FSSC/ISO 22000, HACCP certification need to provide another

1.   Food Safety Management Manual/HACCP Manual

2.   Prerequisite Program (PRP) or Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)

3.   Hazard Control Plan, including a. Detailed product description (including raw and auxiliary materials and end products); b. Detailed process description; hazard analysis worksheet; c. OPRP, HACCP plan (if there is no change, application for re-certification does not need to provide)

4.   Location map and floor plan of the factory; floor plan of the processing plant, flow of people and logistics (if there is no change, it is not necessary to provide it for the application for re-certification)

5.   Self-declaration by the food certification applicant organization;

6.   Has filed a copy of the text of product standards (applicable when the product implementation of enterprise standards);

7.   List of production and processing equipment and list of inspection equipment;

8.   Description of the use of food additives, including the name of additives used, dosage, applicable products and limited standards, etc. (applicable to HACCP certification)

9.   The product meets the health and safety requirements of the test report; when applicable, provide by a qualified inspection agency issued by the contact with food water, ice, vapor in line with the health and safety requirements of the test report.

5 Audit Implementation

5.1 Audit Guidelines

The audit basis criteria confirmed by both parties to the certification are as follows:

Certification Fields

System Standard

Other requirements

Quality Management System

n GB/T 19001 Quality Management System Requirements

n Engineering construction enterprises should also include GB/T 19001-2016 "Quality Management System Requirements" and GB/T 50430-2007 "Quality Management Standards for Engineering Construction Enterprises".

n Medical device companies should also include GB/T 19001-2016 "Quality Management System Requirements" and ISO 13485:2016 "Medical Device Quality Management System for Regulatory Requirements".

-Applicable legal and regulatory requirements of the customer and other requirements, such as industry norms, contractual requirements, etc.

-Customer's system documentation in accordance with the corresponding management system standards

Food Safety Management System

FSSC/ISO 22000 Food Safety Management Systems - Requirements for Various Types of Organizations in the Food Chain

FSSC 22000


HACCP system for food

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System Certification Requirements (V1.0)

5.2 Audit Process

5.2.1 Initial certification audit

The initial certification audit was implemented in two phases: Phase I and Phase II.

The purpose of the Stage 1 audit is to obtain basic information about the auditee, review the management system documentation, and identify any issues of concern that may be determined to be non-conformities during the Stage 2 audit, providing a focus for the Stage 2 audit.

The purpose of the Phase II audit is to evaluate the compliance and effectiveness of the auditee's management system implementation. The audit team analyzes all the information and evidence collected during the Stage 1 and Stage 2 audits to form audit conclusions.

Both phases of the initial certification of quality management system certification for engineering and construction companies and medical device companies are on-site audits. Phase I audits

The audit team takes into account the management system operation objectives of the auditee and the professional characteristics of the activities covered by the system, and based on the management system documents provided by the auditee, the system operation process, the specific conditions of the operation place and site, and the planning and implementation of internal audit and management review, the audit team confirms the auditee's understanding of the standard and the degree of its implementation, the key points that have an important impact on the achievement of the objectives, and compliance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, as well as the scope of the management system to determine the arrangements for the second stage audit. Compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and the scope of the management system to determine the arrangements for the second stage audit. The third party certification body may repeat all or part of the Stage 1 audit if any significant changes occur that will affect the management system. The results of a Phase I audit may result in the postponement or cancellation of Phase II. Phase II audits

The audit team is on-site to evaluate the implementation of the auditee's management system, including compliance and effectiveness. The Phase II audit includes at least the following aspects:

a) Conformity with all requirements of applicable management system standards and other normative documents;

b) Monitoring, measuring, reporting and reviewing performance against key performance objectives and targets;

c) Aspects of management systems and performance related to legal compliance;

d) Operational control of the auditee's processes;

e) Implementation of internal audits and management reviews;

(f) Implementation of management responsibilities, including those for policy;

g) The planning and realization of objectives at the functional level established to achieve the overall objective;

h) Linkages between normative requirements, guidelines, performance objectives and targets, applicable legal requirements, responsibilities, personnel capabilities, operations, procedures, performance data and internal audit findings and conclusions.

5.2.2 Oversight activities Modalities of oversight activities

The third-party certification body adopts a combination of on-site supervision and audit and daily supervision (e.g., paying attention to the quality information bulletin issued by the relevant state departments, paying attention to the information of the relevant parties of the certified clients, daily tracking of the relevant information of the certified clients, reviewing the certified clients and the description of their operations, and requesting the certified clients to provide documents and records, etc.).

The certification body of food HACCP certified customers to implement the supervision and audit at least once every three years for the unannounced on-site audit. Content of post-licensing surveillance audits

a) Any changes (e.g., resources, processes, organizational structure, identified critical control points, etc.);

b) Ongoing operational control of the achievement of quality and food safety objectives;

c) Internal audits and management reviews;

d) Handling of complaints;

(e) The effectiveness of the implementation of the management system;

f) Site information on products/services/activities related to the scope of certification;

g) Progress of activities planned for continuous improvement;

h) Measures taken in response to non-conformities identified in the previous audit and their effectiveness;

i) The use of certificates and logos and/or any other references to accredited qualifications.

The certified client shall keep a full record of complaints and provide it to the certification body when required.

GFS re-evaluates the certified customer's management system based on the above information to confirm that it continues to meet the certification requirements.

Failure of the certified client to close the nonconformity on time during the surveillance audit may result in suspension or revocation of the certification. Frequency of monitoring and auditing

During the validity period of the certificate, the certified client shall be subject to a surveillance audit, which shall be carried out at least once every calendar year (except for the year in which recertification is due). The first surveillance audit after the initial certification/re-certification shall be carried out in

Within 12 months of the date of the certification decision; thereafter, surveillance audits shall be conducted at least once per calendar year (except for years subject to recertification), and the interval between surveillance audits shall not exceed 15 months.

Accredited customers due to failure to implement the supervision and audit within the specified time to suspend the certification certificate, supervision and audit resumed, the next audit time should be calculated according to the original plan time.

If the following occurs, the frequency of monitoring will need to be increased or shorter notice audits will need to be scheduled:

a) The certified customer has made significant changes to the management system;

b) There is sufficient information to indicate that the certified customer has undergone changes in organization, production conditions, product changes, etc. that affect the basis of their certification;

c) When a product quality incident occurs at a certified customer or when a complaint from a user about the effectiveness of the operation of the relevant management system is not handled;

d) When the products and services of the licensed client are found to be unqualified by the competent state administrative department in a supervisory sample test;

e) Other circumstances to be considered. No-Notice Audits of Food HACCP-Certified Customers

1) GFS plans to conduct a no-notice audit every three years after the initial certification audit. The no-announcement audit can be conducted in conjunction with a surveillance audit or a recertification audit, and the type of audit is noted in the audit report as a no-announcement audit.

(2) GFS determines in advance with the certified organization the time period in which the no-notice audit cannot be implemented, in order to avoid the situation that the certified organization does not have a production site at the time of the audit due to seasonal production, maintenance and other reasons.

(3) When the use of non-notification of the physical market audit method, can be 48 hours before the audit to the licensed customer for the audit plan, the licensed customer without good reason shall not refuse to audit.

The first non-acceptance of the audit will result in a written citation and the second non-acceptance will result in suspension of the certificate.

5.2.3 Recertification

At least three months prior to the expiration of the certificate, the certified client shall submit an application for re-certification. The purpose of the re-certification audit is to verify the overall continued compliance and effectiveness of the organization's management system as a whole, as well as the continued relevance and appropriateness of the scope of certification. The procedures and requirements of the re-certification audit shall be implemented in accordance with clause 5.2.1.

In the daily supervision of the certified customer, when it is found that the certified customer has major changes that seriously affect the operation of the management system, or when the analysis of complaints and other information about the certified customer indicates that the certified customer no longer meets the requirements for certification, special audits will be arranged or re-certification audits will be arranged in advance in agreement with the certified customer.

Re-certification is usually done without a Phase I audit, but when there are significant changes in the certified customer's management system and the certified customer's internal and external operating environment, the re-certification audit activity may require a Phase I audit.

Recertification audit, the certification client should be in the current certificate expires before the third-party certification body audit, and for the audit team issued by the non-conformity in the required time to close. Otherwise, due to the reasons of the certification client caused by the third-party certification body can not make a certification decision within 6 months after the expiration of the original certificate of authentication, re-certification audit is invalid.

5.2.4 Special audits Expanded scope of accreditation audits

For customers who are already certified, GFS evaluates applications for expansion of the scope of certification and determines the auditing activities required to make a decision on expansion, which may be conducted in conjunction with a surveillance audit. Shorter notice audits

Audits that need to be conducted on short notice to licensed clients in order to investigate complaints, respond to changes, or follow up with suspended licensed clients.

When the products and services of the certified clients are found to be unqualified by the state administrative department in the supervision and sampling inspection, GFS will implement special audit for the certified clients. If the certified customer does not accept the special audit, the certification will be suspended.

5.3 Implementation of on-site audit activities

The audit team communicates with the auditee before the on-site audit to confirm the audit arrangement and explain the agenda of the first and last meetings. Audit team in accordance with the audit plan schedule for the implementation of the audit, through the review of the auditee's documents and records, and processes and activities of the job interviews, interviews, observation of products, services, processes and activities, and other appropriate methods, sample collection and validation of relevant information, the formation of the audit findings, to confirm the non-conformity of the situation.

During the audit process, the audit team communicates with the auditee in a timely manner to inform them of the audit process, confirm the audit evidence and resolve differences. When the audit finds that the purpose of the audit cannot be achieved, reasons shall be given and follow-up measures agreed upon. If there is a need to change the purpose and scope of the audit or terminate the audit, it shall be reviewed and approved by the audit sending organization before implementation.

Before the end of the on-site audit, the audit team leader communicates the information of the on-site audit with the auditee, invites the auditee to confirm the problems found and the non-conformity report, and agrees on the arrangement of the follow-up measures for the non-conformity, and confirms the conclusion of the audit. The audit team prepares the audit report and submits it to the auditee.

The audit report is the property of GFS, and if there are changes in the audit follow-up activities (including during the certification decision by GFS), GFS will re-supply the audit report to the auditee. The auditee is requested to keep the audit report, non-conformity report and its corrective materials and other corresponding materials in a safe place.

6 Conditions and procedures for granting, denying, maintaining, expanding, reducing, suspending, reinstating and revoking accreditation

6.1 Conditions and procedures for approval of the scope of accreditation

6.1.1 Conditions for granting accreditation registration

a) Certify that the Client's application materials are true, accurate and valid;

b) The certification client to establish and implement the relevant management system in line with the certification standards / normative documents, the audit team puts forward the conclusions of the recommended certification;

c) The scope of the accredited client's application for accreditation is within the scope specified in the legal status documents and qualifications;

d) When required by the state or local or industry, the organizational units, products, services and their processes and activities within the scope of certification applied for by the certified client have met the requirements of applicable laws and regulations;

e) Audit evidence that arrangements for management review and internal audit have been implemented, effective and maintained and that a complete internal audit covering all requirements of the management system has been conducted;

f) Corrective/corrective actions for nonconformities identified during the audit have been taken within the specified period and validated by GFS.

g) For at least the last year, there have been no major quality incidents or state inspection failures within the scope of certification applied for by the certified client;

h) The certified customer has signed a certification contract with GROF and undertakes to always comply with the relevant provisions of the certification and to pay the certification fee in accordance with the provisions of the certification contract.

6.1.2 Procedures for granting accreditation status

a) GFS provides public documentation of certification-related information to certified clients so that they are aware of it and understand it;

b) The certified client formally submits the application for certification and related attachments to GFS;

c) GFS conducts an application review based on the customer's application information and has confirmed acceptance of the application for certification;

d) Satisfy 6.1.1 Conditions for Approval of Certification Eligibility The GFS has validated that the Certification Client has met the conditions for approval of certification eligibility within the scope of certification and has agreed to approve the certification;

e) GFS issues a certificate of certification to the certified client and requires the certified party to use the certification mark as required.

6.2 Conditions and procedures for refusal of accreditation registration

6.2.1 Conditions for denial of accreditation status

a) The certified customer information does not pass the GFS application review, and the review is inadmissible certification application;

b) The GFS audit team on-site audit concludes that "certification registration is not recommended";

c) The certification client's management system has significant deficiencies, does not meet the requirements of the certification standard, or the certification client has significant quality and serious violations related to the scope of certification, the validation of the GFS concluded that the certification is not registered;

d) After the initial certification of Phase II, the certified client fails to close the nonconformity within the required time frame or fails to undergo another Phase II audit performed by GFS as required;

e) After a recertification audit, the certified client fails to correct the non-conformity (including non-conformities raised by the GFS validation) within the required timeframe;

f) In addition to the above, the validation of the GFS concludes that the registration of the certification is not possible.

6.2.2 Procedure for denial of accredited registration

a) One of the conditions in 6.2.1 is met, and the GFS assesses the certification as inadmissible or the certified client's management system does not meet the conditions for approval of the qualification for certification;

b) GFS issues a Notice of Non-Certification Registration to the certified client.

6.3 Conditions and procedures for maintaining accreditation status

6.3.1 Conditions for maintaining accreditation status

a) The legal status and administrative license documents of the certified client are continuously in compliance with the latest requirements of the state, and the scope of certification is within the limits set by the legal status and administrative license documents;

b) Continuous compliance by the certified client with certification-related requirements, including those for changes;

c) The certified client's organizational units, products, services and their processes and activities within the scope of certification continuously meet the requirements of the latest applicable laws and regulations, and take timely and effective measures in case of non-compliance;

d) The certified client has no major incidents and no failures of state inspections of the products/services/activities covered by the scope of certification during the certification period;

e) The certified client does not misuse the certification and certification mark during the certification period, and if it does, corrective and remedial measures can be taken in a timely and effective manner, and the impact of misuse can be minimized;

f) Major complaints and concerns of customers or related parties are dealt with in a timely and effective manner by the licensed client;

g) The certified customer is able to communicate information on management system and important process changes in a timely manner in accordance with GFS requirements;

h) Timely acceptance of supervision and audit, the on-site audit of the certified customer's management system continues to meet the requirements of the certification standards/normative documents, the audit team concluded that "to maintain the certification";

(i) The certified client fulfills the responsibilities and obligations stipulated in the certification contract signed with the certification body and pays the certification fee in accordance with the provisions of the certification contract.

6.3.2 Procedures for maintaining accreditation status

a) Meeting the conditions of 6.3.1 Maintaining Certification Status, after the supervision and audit, after confirmation by the audit team leader dispatched by the GFS and after review by the GFS that the certified client can continuously meet the conditions of maintaining the certification status within the scope of the certification, and agreeing to maintain the certification status, a confirmation certificate shall be issued by the GFS and issued to the certified client;

b) In the validity period of the certificate, if there is a change in the certification requirements, the certified customer accepts the changed certification requirements, and the GFS verifies that the management system within the scope of the certification meets the changed requirements, the certification status can be maintained.

6.4 Conditions and procedures for broadening the scope of accreditation

6.4.1 Categorization of expanded scope of accreditation

a) Increase in the name of the licensed customer, increase in the number of fixed sub-locations, expansion of the region or production unit;

b) Increase in the number of product or service categories;

c) Increase in major processes of product formation, e.g. product design, product installation.

6.4.2 Conditions for extending the scope of accreditation

a) The accredited client keeps the accreditation valid.

b) The scope of certification to be extended by the certified client is within the scope of the legal status document. If required by the state, local or industry, the scope of certification to be extended by the certified client has a valid administrative authorization document;

c) When required by the state or local or industry, the certified client has met the requirements of applicable laws and regulations for the organizational units, products, services and their processes and activities within the scope of the application for extended certification;

d) The certified client's management system covers the scope of the application for extended certification and meets the requirements of the certification standard/normative document;

e) The certified client pays the supplementary certification fee in accordance with the certification regulations.

6.4.3 Procedures for expanding the scope of accreditation

a) GFS provides the certified client with public documentation of information related to the expansion of the scope of certification, which the certified client is aware of and understands;

b) The certified client formally submits the application for expansion of the scope of certification and related attachments to the GFS;

c) If necessary, the certified client and the GFS will sign or amend the certification contract and pay the additional certification fee according to the regulations;

d) Meet the conditions of 6.4.1 Expanding the scope of certification, and after the GFS audit and validation, the GFS considers that the certified client has met the conditions for approving the qualification of certification within the scope of the application for expanding the scope of certification, and agrees to approve the expansion of the scope of certification, and the registration number and validity period of the certificate of certification will remain unchanged;

e) GFS delivers the new certification to the certified client and withdraws the original certificate.

6.5 Conditions and procedures for narrowing the scope of accreditation

6.5.1 Categorization for narrowing the scope of accreditation

a) Reduction in the number of fixed sub-sites, areas or production units of licensed customers;

(b) Reduction in the number of product categories;

c) Reduction in major processes of product formation, e.g. product design, product installation;

(d) Multi-organization certification reduces the number of organizations.

6.5.2 Conditions for narrowing the scope of accreditation

a) Some products/services, areas, etc. within the scope of certification of the certified client no longer meet the certification standards/normative documents and other requirements;

b) The certified customer does not want to continue to maintain the certification of some products, services, regions, etc. within the scope of certification;

c) The reduction of the scope of certification by the certified client shall exclude cases where the risk of certification is reduced.

6.5.3 Procedures for narrowing the scope of accreditation

a) The certified client formally submits the application for reducing the scope of certification to the GFS, or the GFS proposes to reduce the scope of certification of the certified client, and provides the reasons and evidences, and the GFS's validation opinion and the results of daily supervision can also be used as the source of information and reasons for the reduction of the scope of certification, which is agreed after communication between the two parties of certification;

b) When required, the certified client shall amend the certification contract with GFS;

c) After the GFS validation, that the certified customer in the application to reduce the scope of certification will not have an impact on the scope of certification still maintained, agreed to approve the reduction of the scope of certification, recovery of the original certificate of accreditation, replacement of the certificate of accreditation or accessories, certificate of registration number and validity of the certificate to remain unchanged.

6.6 Conditions and procedures for changing accreditation information

6.6.1 Conditions and categorization of change of accreditation information Conditions for changing certification information

Within the validity of the certification certificate, the certified customer shall be updated when there is a change in information that leads to inconsistency with the information in the certification certificate. Classification of change of accreditation information:

a) Change of name and domicile of the licensed customer;

b) Authentication address change;

c) Change of place names and postal codes;

d) Change in the number of persons in the enterprise and change in the certificate number;

e) Changes in products, services, and activities in the scope of the certificate.

6.6.2 Procedures for changing accreditation information Information to be submitted for changes in certification information Information to be submitted for changes in the name and domicile of licensed customers

a) A written request for change from the licensed customer;

b) If the licensed client is an enterprise, provide a certificate of approval of change and a copy of the new business license from the competent administrative department for industry and commerce; if the licensed client is of other nature, provide the relevant documents from the competent administrative department of the government that allows its establishment;

c) For name change due to restructuring and reorganization, if the certified client cannot obtain the approval certificate for name change, the client shall submit the application for name change of the organization under the original name and the current name, the approval certificate of the relevant government departments and the certificate of cancellation of the original name; and the client shall be required to accept the supervision, audit and verification by the GFS for the major change of the management system;

d) Licensed clients with requirements for administrative licenses, qualifications, etc. shall also provide the relevant documents after the change under the new name. Information to be submitted for change of certified address

a) A written request for change from the licensed customer;

b) Licensed customers with administrative licenses, qualifications and other requirements should also provide the relevant documents required by regulations after the change of address according to the new address (including, if necessary, the environmental assessment, environmental protection acceptance, safety assessment, safety acceptance, and other evidence materials). Information to be submitted for changes in geographical names and postal codes

a) A written request for change from the licensed customer;

(b) Relevant certificates from local authorities;

c) For licensed clients with administrative licenses, qualifications and other requirements, the relevant documents should also be provided after the change of address according to the new address. Information to be submitted when the number of persons in an enterprise is increased and the certificate number is changed

When a licensed customer proposes an increase in the number of people in the enterprise, a written application to change the number of people in the enterprise and the number of certificates must be submitted. Information to be submitted for changes of products, services and activities in the scope of certificate

a) A written request for change from the licensed customer;

b) For the scope of certification with administrative licenses, qualifications and other requirements, copies of the corresponding documents should also be provided. Processing Flow for Changes in Certification Information

a) The Licensed Client formally submits to the GFS an application and related documentation that meets the requirements of in accordance with 6.6.1;

b) The Licensed Client shall be audited by the GFS when required;

c) The GFS validates that the certified customer meets the conditions for the change of certification information and agrees to approve the change of certification information;

d) When required, the original certification is withdrawn and replaced by a certificate of authentication or annex, the validity period of which remains unchanged.

6.7 Conditions and procedures for suspension of accreditation status

6.7.1 Conditions for suspension of accreditation status

GFS will suspend the accreditation certificate of an accredited customer who meets one of the following conditions:

(1) The certified client's management and service system consistently or significantly fails to meet the certification requirements, including the requirements for the effectiveness of the system's operation.

a) The certified customer's management system has undergone significant changes and does not consistently meet the requirements of the certification standard/normative document;

b) The situation that seriously affects the operation of the system occurs during the supervisory audit of the certified customer;

c) The certified client's organizational units, products, services and their processes and activities within the scope of the certification do not meet the requirements of the applicable up-to-date laws, regulations and standards, and no measures have been taken or the measures are ineffective;

d) The certified customer does not make the appropriate adjustments in accordance with the changes required for certification, or the adjustments do not meet the change requirements.

(2) The certified client does not assume and fulfill the responsibilities and obligations agreed in the certification contract.

a) Failure of the certified client to undergo a surveillance or recertification audit within the specified period;

b) The certified client fails to fulfill the responsibilities and obligations set forth in the certification contract signed with the certification body and has a significant impact on maintaining the certification status;

c) The certified client has not paid the certification fee in accordance with the certification contract;

d) Misuse of certificates and certification marks by certified clients during the certification period and failure to take timely and effective corrective and remedial action to minimize the impact.

(3) The certified client is penalized by the relevant law enforcement and regulatory authorities during the validity period of the certificate.

a) Failure of licensed clients to communicate information as required.

(4) The certified customer is found to have problems with system operation by the local certification supervisory authority.

a) The certified client has failed a national sampling test within the scope of certification during the certification period and has not identified the cause and taken remedial measures.

(5) certified customers hold administrative licenses, certificates of qualification, mandatory certificates, etc. expired, resubmitted applications have been accepted but have not yet been renewed.

a) The legal status and qualifications of the licensed client no longer meet the latest national requirements;

b) The scope of certification of the certified client is no longer covered by the currently valid legal status documents and qualifications, but it is still possible to comply with the specified requirements in the short term.

(6) The licensed customer requests a suspension on his own initiative.

(7) Major accidents related to quality, food safety and hygiene have occurred in the certified client, reflecting major deficiencies in the establishment and operation of the certified client's system.

a) The certified client has been exposed in the media for a major incident within the scope of certification during the certification period, or the cause has not been identified and remedial measures have not been taken;

b) If there is a serious fluctuation in the certified customer's batch product and no measures are taken or the measures are ineffective (QMS applies).

(8) The final assembly plant identifies the enterprise as having a special status of supply or the enterprise is complained about by its customers.

(9) Other reasons for suspension of certificates.

6.7.2 Procedures for suspension of accreditation status

a) GFS proposes to suspend the accredited client's accreditation in all or part of the scope of accreditation, providing reasons and evidence, or the accredited client submits an application for suspension of accreditation to GFS;

b) If necessary, GFS communicates with the certified client to verify the evidence;

c) If the GFS validates that the certified client no longer consistently meets the certification requirements in all or part of the scope of certification, but it is still possible to take corrective measures in the short term, it agrees to approve the suspension of the certification qualification in all or part of the scope of certification, and determines the duration of the suspension, and issues a Notification of the Decision on the Disposition of the Certification and publishes the Notice of the Decision on the Disposition of the Certification to the certified client;

d) The certified customer shall suspend the use of the certificate and certification mark in accordance with the "Procedures for Management of Certification Certificate and Certification Mark of Management System", and during the suspension period, the customer's management system certification shall be temporarily invalid.

6.8 Conditions and procedures for reinstatement of accreditation status

6.8.1 Conditions for reinstatement of accreditation status

The certified client has taken effective corrective measures for the reasons for the suspension of the certification status, the causes have been eliminated, the reinstatement of the certification status is in accordance with the relevant certification requirements, and at the same time it has been confirmed that it has not used or cited the certification status (e.g., advertising) or used the certification mark during the suspension period.

6.8.2 Procedures for reinstatement of accreditation status

a) Before the expiration of the determined deadline for suspension of accreditation, depending on the reason for suspension, the accredited client submits to GFS the Application for Resumption of Use of Accreditation Certificate and Accreditation Mark for reinstatement of accreditation within the specified period;

b) When required, the licensed client shall submit relevant corrective measures and validation of effectiveness;

c) After validation by GFS, confirming that the certified client has resumed compliance with the relevant certification requirements within the certification scope of the suspended certification status, make the conclusion of agreeing to resume the certification status, and issue the Notice of Resumption of the Use of Certification Certificate and Logo and make a public announcement.

6.9 Conditions and procedures for withdrawal of accreditation status

6.9.1 Conditions for withdrawal of accreditation status

GFS will revoke the certificate of accreditation of an accredited customer who meets one of the following conditions:

(1) Failure to pass the audit of licensed customers.

(2) Documents proving that the legal status of the certified client has been canceled or revoked.

(3) The certified customer refuses to cooperate with the supervision and inspection carried out by the certification and regulatory authorities, or provides false materials or information for inquiries and investigations on related matters.

(4) Being included in the list of enterprises with serious credit failures by the state administrative authorities.

(5) A major incident of significant product or service quality by a licensed customer, which is confirmed by the law enforcement and regulatory authorities to be caused by the licensed customer's violation of the law.

a) The certified client has failed a national sampling test within the scope of certification during the certification period, with serious repercussions.

b) Refusing to submit to a supervisory spot check by the competent State administrative authority.

(6) The certified client has other serious violations of laws and regulations during the validity period of the certificate and has been penalized by the relevant law enforcement and regulatory authorities.

(7) The period of suspension of the certification certificate of the certified customer has expired but the problems that led to the suspension have not been resolved or corrected (including the holding of administrative licenses, certificates of qualification, mandatory certification certificates, etc. have expired but the application has not been approved).

(8) The certified customer does not operate a management system or no longer has the conditions for operation.

a) The certified client has made significant changes to the management system within the scope of the certification, has not notified the GFS, and will not be able to meet the certification requirements in the near future;

b) The original management system is no longer appropriate after a change in the organization of the certified client;

c) The certified customer no longer produces products covered by the system;

d) The certified client's organizational units, products, services and their processes and activities within the scope of certification are seriously unable to meet the requirements of the latest applicable laws, regulations and standards, and no measures can be taken in a short period of time or the measures are ineffective;

e) If the licensed client ceases to operate or closes down.

(9) The certified customer does not properly cite and publicize the certified information obtained in accordance with the relevant provisions, causing serious impact or consequences, or GFS has been asked to correct but not corrected for more than 2 months.

a) A large number of misuse of certificates and certification marks by certified clients occurred during the certification period, and timely and effective corrective and remedial measures were not taken to mislead consumers, which had a large impact;

b) Transfer of certification and certification mark by the certified client;

(10) Major accidents related to quality, food safety and hygiene have occurred in the certified client, reflecting major deficiencies in the establishment and operation of the certified client's system, and serious quality problems in the certified client's product quality and food safety, which cannot be restored to conformity in a short period of time.

(11) Revocation of the old certificate by the certified customer due to the issuance of a new certificate.

(12) The certified client does not assume and fulfill the responsibilities and obligations agreed in the certification contract.

a) If the certified client unilaterally declares that it will not fulfill the responsibilities and obligations stipulated in the certification contract signed with GFS;

(b) If the certified client has been delaying the payment of the certification fee for a long time and the reminder is ineffective;

c) If it is verified that the certified client has provided false information that affects the validity of the audit or certification decision;

d) The licensed client does not address major complaints from customers or related parties.

(14) The certified customer voluntarily waives certification.

(14) Other reasons for revocation of the certificate.

6.9.2 Procedures for withdrawal of accreditation status

After verification and validation by GFS, it is confirmed that the management system of the certified customer within the scope of certification no longer meets the certification requirements, and a conclusion is made to revoke the certification status, issue a Notice of Certification Disposition Decision and publish it, and the certified customer is not allowed to use the certificate of certification and certification mark again.

7 Certificates and certification marks

7.1 Certification and certification marks

7.1.1 Certification

Initial accreditation certification is valid for a maximum of three years. Re-accreditation of the certificate of authentication is valid for no more than the deadline for the most recent valid certificate of authentication plus three years.

Normally, the certified client should be audited or ready to be audited at least 3 months before the expiration date of the current certificate. Otherwise, the re-certification certificate will be valid for less than 3 years if the certification decision of the certification body cannot be made before the expiration of the original certificate due to late acceptance of the re-certification audit by the certified client or due to the closure of the non-conformity.

7.1.2 Certification marks


7.2 Use of certification certificates and certification marks

The certified customers shall establish the program of using the certification certificate and certification mark, and use the certification certificate and certification mark correctly according to the "Procedures for the Management of Certification Certificate and Certification Mark of the RISE System" after being certified.

7.3 Misuse of certification and certification marks

Misuse of certification certificates and certification marks by certified customers may lead to suspension or revocation of certification qualification. Types of misuse of certification certificates and logos and the handling of misuse of certification certificates and logos are set out in the "Management System Certification Certificate and Certification Logo Management Procedures". Once the certified customer finds the misuse of certification certificate or certification mark, it should take corrective measures immediately and report to the certification body.

8 Communication of information from licensed clients

The certified client shall establish a procedure to notify the certification body of the latest information, and promptly notify it of major complaints, the results of national supervision and inspection, major accidents and various information on changes in the certified client. Change information includes (but not limited to) the following:

(a) Name of the organization, its legal personality and affiliation;

b) Contact person, contact information (including: telephone, fax, cell phone);

c) Organization address (including: registered address, certified address, zip code);

(d) Number of persons covered by the system;

e) Changes in the scope of accreditation;

f) Organizational structure and distribution of functions;

g) The organization's certified premises/production site as expressed in the certificate;

h) Management system documentation;

i) Product standards;

(j) Trademarks.

When the above information changes, the certified customer should fill out the "certified organization certification information change communication sheet", and timely feedback to the certification body. Changes in information feedback channels and contact information see the "certified organization certification information change communication sheet" in the contact.

9 Conditions and procedures for changes in accreditation requirements

9.1 Conditions for changes in certification requirements

a) The accredited client keeps the accreditation valid;

b) Changes in accreditation requirements shall be completed by the specified time;

c) The certified customer who applies for the change of certification requirements shall submit the application for the change of certification requirements and submit the evidence of system adjustment according to the new certification requirements;

d) The management system of the certified client has met the new certification requirements and is functioning properly.

9.2 Procedures for changes in accreditation requirements

a) Prior to the end of the conversion period for a change in certification requirements, the Certified Client submits a request for a change in certification requirements to the GFS, preferably at least 90 days prior to the expiration of the conversion period;

b) GFS through the implementation of annual surveillance audits or recertification audits of certified customers, or at the request of certified customers to arrange for special audits of changes in certification requirements, to assess the adjusted management system to the certification requirements of compliance, suitability and effectiveness;

c) After the GFS validation, that the certified customer has met the conditions for approval of the certification qualification, agreed to approve the scope of certification, the replacement of the certification certificate or annexes, the original certificate is withdrawn, and the registration number and validity period of the certification certificate remain unchanged.

10 Confidentiality

GFS undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the certified client (except for information to be disclosed that is notified to the certified client in advance). In the event that the confidential information of the certified client is to be disclosed or provided to a third party, the certified client shall be notified in advance of the information to be provided (except for legal restrictions).

If there is evidence that the certification body contacted the audited party's commercial and technical secrets due to certification, and disclosed to a third party (except as provided by law), will bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

11 Appeals/complaints, disputes and handling

If you have any objection to GFS or auditors violating the national certification laws, regulations, relevant regulations of accreditation bodies, lack of impartiality and evaluation results of certification, you can file a complaint with GFS, which will reply to the handling of the situation within 45 days.

Further appeals/complaints can be made to China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNASCA), China Certification and Accreditation Administration (CCACA) and other relevant authorities in case of disagreement with the handling of GFS appeals/complaints and disputes.

12 Costs

Fees for the implementation of this program shall be in accordance with the "Management Rules for Management System Certification Fees" of the certification body.

13 Announcements

Certified clients who are certified, suspended, reinstated, or revoked are posted on the GFS website.

14 Bylaws

This program is interpreted by Qingdao Geff Certification Co.

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