


Qingdao GFS Certification

聯系電話:0532-67739388 / 19853205848
400-8081-924 / 15006421779


BRC認證 fssc22000認證


ISO9001 Quality Management System Certification

ISO9000 Family Standard is a scientific summary of the practical experience of quality management in many economically developed countries in the world, providing the organization with scientific quality management and quality assurance methods and approaches.

Since its release in 1987, the ISO9000 series of standards has undergone changes in versions 1994, 2000 and 2008, up to the current ISO 9001:2015 version of the standard. The ISO9001 standard puts forward specific requirements for the organization's quality management system, through target management, to advocate the emphasis on demand, value added, process performance and effectiveness and continuous improvement of the process approach.

The new version of the ISO9001 standard is more versatile and is suitable for organizations of all types, of different sizes and offering different products and services.

The adoption of a quality management system is a strategic decision of the Organization to help it improve its internal management level and overall performance, and to confirm that the organization has the ability to provide products and services that meet both customer requirements and applicable regulatory requirements, and to lay a good foundation for promoting sustainable development of the Organization.

Through the Quality Management system certification provided by GFS, while proving that an effective quality management system is in operation within the organization, the following benefits can be obtained:

(a) stabilizing the ability to provide products and services that meet customer requirements and applicable legal and regulatory requirements;

b) to promote opportunities to enhance customer satisfaction;

c) addressing risks and opportunities related to its environment and objectives;

d) demonstrate the ability to meet the required quality management system requirements.

  • 咨詢留言


    電話: 0532-67739388

    May Sheng 盛老師

    電話: 0532-67739388
    微信: 15006421779

    Johnsy Li 李老師

    電話: +86 18653225507